Date : Mon, 18 Sep 2006 13:21:51 +0100
From : "Steve O'Leary" <navalenigma@...>
Subject: Re: Minty BBC B+ 128k on eBay
Sorry, top posting but having problems with windows Live Mail (Beta) and po
sting at the end (possibly only going wrong with rich content emails). I lo
oked up woodbridge and there are several in different counties. Would be ha
ndy if he'd stated which one, or have I missed something in the item ?As fa
r as I can see it could be in Gloucestershire, Northumberland, Suffolk, Dev
on, Dorset or Surrey !
From: CALITTLEFIEL@... Mon, 18 Sep 2
006 09:57:35 +0100Subject: [BBC-Micro] Minty BBC B+ 128k on eBay
Thought I'd give you guys the heads up on a nice BBC collection on eBay - l
ooks as if one of them is a mint B+ 128k judging by the packaging. I'd be t
empted myself with the 128K but there's no way I can pick up from Woodbridg
e....(collection only apparently). Might be of some use to you guys; but ex
pect the eBay collectors to jump all over it.
Auction: 230030059952
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