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Date   : Fri, 22 Sep 2006 23:26:53 +1000
From   : "Bob Devries" <bdevries@...>
Subject: Still having problems with XFER51

I'm trying to use XFER V5.1 to copy files from my PC (Windows XP Pro) to a 
BBC B. I have also tried the "C" version of that programme, and it gives the 
same results, that is, I'm getting a lot of files with file lengths of 12 
bytes, and some files are not transferred at all. The files are from a ZIP 
archive of the WELCOME disc.

Here's the session from running XFER51.

XFER.EXE:       Transfers files in archive format (with .inf file) to and
        from BBC computers via a serial link.

Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Mark de Weger, 1999 Angus Duggan, 2005 Jon Welch

Make sure XFer/BBC is running on the BBC.

Connecting to COM port com1:
Connected at 9600 baud, handshake DSR/DTR, timeout 10.00 seconds,
directories are allowed, wildcards are allowed

   (R) Receive files from BBC          (S) Send files to BBC
   (*) * command on BBC                (D) Do command on PC
   (T) Transfer DFS disc image to BBC  (X) Transfer ADFS disc image to BBC
   (G) Get DFS ssd disc image from BBC (H) Get DFS dsd disc image from BBC
   (A) Get ADFS disc image from BBC    (L) Log BBC OSCLI output (off)
   (C) CD to directory                 (P) PC file CRC
   (B) BBC file CRC                    (Q) Quit

[C:\BBC Micro\xfer51] Enter command: S
File spec (* and ? allowed): *
Sending file $.!B 1900 801f c RWX  from !B
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file $.!BOOT 3000 3000 c RWX  from !BOOT

Sent 12 bytes of 12!BOOT
Sending file $.content 0 0 c RWX  from content
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Problem reading attributes from INF file DCONV.inf
Problem reading attributes from INF file FORM40.inf
Problem reading attributes from INF file FORM80.inf
Problem reading attributes from INF file VERIFY.inf
Sending file W.ALPHA ff1900 ff801f c RWX  from WALPHA
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.BATBALL 1900 801f c RWX  from WBATBALL
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.BIORTHM ff1900 ff8023 c RWX  from WBIORTHM
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.BPART2 ff1b00 ff8023 c RWX  from WBPART2
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.CALC ff1900 ff801f c RWX  from WCALC
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.CLOCK 1900 801f c RWX  from WCLOCK
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.HELP 1900 801f c RWX  from WHELP
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.INDEX 1900 801f c RWX  from WINDEX
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.KEYBD ff1900 ff801f c RWX  from WKEYBD
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.KINGDOM 1900 801f c RWX  from WKINGDOM
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.MESSAGE ff1b00 ff8023 c RWX  from WMESSAGE
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.MUSIC 1900 801f c RWX  from WMUSIC
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.PATTERN 1900 801f c RWX  from WPATTERN
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.PHONE 1900 801f c RWX  from WPHONE
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.PHOTO 1900 1900 c RWX  from WPHOTO
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.POEM ff1900 ff801f c RWX  from WPOEM
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.SKETCH ff1900 ff801f c RWX  from WSKETCH
Sent 12 bytes of 12
Sending file W.WELCOME 1900 801f c RWX  from WWELCOME
Sent 12 bytes of 12

   (R) Receive files from BBC          (S) Send files to BBC
   (*) * command on BBC                (D) Do command on PC
   (T) Transfer DFS disc image to BBC  (X) Transfer ADFS disc image to BBC
   (G) Get DFS ssd disc image from BBC (H) Get DFS dsd disc image from BBC
   (A) Get ADFS disc image from BBC    (L) Log BBC OSCLI output (off)
   (C) CD to directory                 (P) PC file CRC
   (B) BBC file CRC                    (Q) Quit

[C:\BBC Micro\welcome] Enter command:

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd be grateful.
Obviously, the serial link is working, since I can do a *CAT and get a 
directory of the disc in the BBC.
The BBC has OS1.20, DSF 0.9E, and has 32K of ram.

Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia

Isaiah 50:4 The sovereign Lord has given me
the capacity to be his spokesman,
so that I know how to help the weary.

website: http://www.home.gil.com.au/~bdevasl
my blog: http://bdevries.invigorated.org/

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