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Date   : Thu, 26 Oct 2006 23:28:56 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: test of bbc-micro-outgoing address was

>Message-ID: <453E4F0D.1090108@...>
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> James Lampard wrote:
> > I suspect the lack of [BBC-Micro] in the Subject is
> > causing it to be dumped into peoples Inboxes rather
> > that their BBC-Micro folder and causing it to be
> > missed.
> You're kidding, right? Are there really people out there who rely on a
> composition of subject line to filter messages, rather than simply going by
> the list address and filtering on that?
Not composition, but tags, yes, and not to filter, but to sort,
yes, I do. All my mail is saved in a directory named from whatever
characters appear between [ and ] at the start of a subject line.
Anything else gets saved in a directory called 'MAIL'.
Even at work where I have to use Outlook I also do that. That's
the whole point of configuring mailing lists to insert [xxx] tags,
to allow the recipients to do things with them.
Well, actually, I do check the composition of subject lines (along
with other header lines) to indicate likelyhood of spam.
 Subject or From ALL CAPS, eg Subject: MAKE MONEY FAST
 Subject or From containing three or more consequetive characters, eg
  Subject: LOOK!!!!
 From not containing a real name, eg: From: fred at domain
 Subject or From real name shorter than three characters, eg From: Hi
These go straight into my spambin.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
Sheffield Boundary Review at http://mdfs.net/User/JGH/Docs/Politics/ParlReview
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