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Date   : Fri, 27 Oct 2006 00:58:05 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Fixed ADFS sector checksum code

>Message-ID: <3lcuj2dthslh96i0qbfkkp0eb4q7dd86fc@...>
John Kortink <kortink@...> wrote:
> On 25 Oct 2006 01:28:49 +0100, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> >Sector 1: F9 FF 1F 00 00 .... 00 27 E6 00 03 xx
> >FNsum returns &2A, but actual checksum is &2B.
> No, the actual checksum is &29.
Ah ha!
I had one of those hand-meets-head moments, and thought I had the
problem. My code was doing:
sum=sum+byte:IF sum>255 THEN sum=(sum+1)AND255
I suddenly realise that that doesn't do 'ADC byte', it does
'ADD byte:ADC #0' - in other words, it adds the carry /after/ the
current addition, not the carry from the previous addition.
So, here's the code:
   10DIM mem% 255
   20FOR A%=0 TO 255:mem%?A%=0:NEXT
   40PRINT"Checksum: &";~FNsum(mem%)
   60FOR A%=0 TO 255:mem%?A%=0:NEXT
   80PRINT"Checksum: &";~FNsum(mem%)
  120DEFFNsum(mem%):LOCAL sum%:sum%=255
  130FOR A%=0 TO 254
  140IF sum%>255:sum%=(sum%+1)AND255
Checksum: &0
Checksum: &2A
Grrr! Still doesn't give &29 as specified.  Hmmm. The ADFS code
counts downwards. But addition is cummutative, surely it won't
make any difference:
> 130FOR A%=254 TO 0 STEP -1
Checksum: &0
Checksum: &29
So, here is the definitive, correct, working BASIC code to
calculate ADFS checksums:
DEFFNadfs_sum(mem%):LOCAL sum%:sum%=&FF
FOR A%=&FE TO 0 STEP -1:IF sum%>255:sum%=(sum%+1)AND255
I shall update HDInit and the ADFS documents appropriately.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
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