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Date   : Thu, 26 Oct 2006 20:52:30 -0500
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Spam Coming through mailing list

Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> Message-ID: <02BB1CF9A23842288DEFCD7662807C24.MAI@...>
> "Ian Wolstenholme" <BBCMailingList@...> wrote:
>> I haven't checked but from memory I think the sender's address is
>> partially blanked out with dots on the archive listing, so it could be
>> that some computer or other has picked up all the partial addresses
>> from the archive and generated every combination of missing characters
>> until eventually some "valid" e-mail addresses are produced which are
> The archive removes the domain

Hmm. Is there a way of just obfuscating it as Google does with their usenet 
archive? It's surprising how many times I've solved a particularly difficult 
problem by referring back to an ancient usenet or email message from someone 
with the same issue. It seems a shame to totally throw that information away 
just because of scumbag spammers - hiding it in a convoluted way that makes 
automated address harvesting is a much better idea as the information's 
retained but the less savoury inhabitants of the 'net can't make worthwhile 
use of it.
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