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Date   : Fri, 27 Oct 2006 08:26:50 -0500
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: test of bbc-micro-outgoing address was

gARetH baBB wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2006, Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
>> Having access to the raw, unedited, unprocessed mail data from the
>> server, if you can understand that concept, I can confirm that
>> there has been NO, NONE, ZILCH, ZAP, ZIPPO spam sent from the
>> mailing list.
> The spam in question was delivered by, AKA 
> rhubarb.cloud9.co.uk and all indications are that it was being sent to 
> whatever bbc-micro-outgoing@ expanded to - as confirmed by some list 
> member doing a test.

Yep, doesn't mean it was sent by the mailing list software though, merely that 
it was relayed by the same originating server as the mailing list software 
happens to use. That would explain why nothing shows up in Jonathan's archives 
but the spam looks to follow the same path as legitimate messages from the 
mailing list.
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