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Date   : Sun, 29 Oct 2006 21:16:41 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Acorn Promo Videos

>Message-ID: <sol3k2tl2otn9jpvqksh2l3nnsm6ho5ql2@...>
John Kortink wrote:
> gARetH baBB wrote:
> > Jules Richardson wrote:
> > > No, but uncompressed MPEG-2 files are, well, uncompressed. :-)
> > That's like saying uncompressed zip files are uncompressed ...
> They are. Only the files inside them are compressed.
Only if they are compressed. ZIP files can contain data that is
stored (uncompressed) or compressed by a variety of methods.
=>*zipex pdptube/zip
Name       LoadAddr ExecAddr Le ...       CSize  T
!Boot      FFFFEB4D B89DE0D1 00 ... B499E 000174 8
!Run       FFFFEB4D 9FAB139F 00 ... 88FEB 00006F 8 <- compressed
!Sprites   FFFFF94D B89DE937 00 ... F1F90 000153 8
!Sprites22 FFFFF94D B89DEE79 00 ... 71A39 000239 8
!Sprites23 FFFFF94D B89DF408 00 ... 2082C 0001DD 8
X          FFFFFC4B F0F9999A 00 ... 5EC91 000031 0 <- uncompressed
!Help      FFFFFF4E 2AB6B8FA 00 ... 28663 00011C 8
PDP11Em    FFFFFB4E 2AB5B712 00 ... 70120 002C93 8
PDPTubeDoc FFFFFF4E 2AB69034 00 ... 3ACF2 0002E7 8
And there's nothing to stop you compressing a ZIP file:
=>*zipex update/zip
Name       LoadAddr ExecAddr Le ...       CSize  T
Docs/zip   FFFDDC4D B89F34F1 00 ... 83653 017638 8
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
There are three food groups: brown, green and ice cream.
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