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Date   : Wed, 01 Nov 2006 22:44:48 +0000
From   : splodge@... (Richard Gellman)
Subject: Unusual piece of equipment available.


What we have on offer here is a floppy disc drive cable (of the BBC 
Micro variety) with one edge connector on the end, but fitted with a 
switch to convert an 80-track drive into a 40/80 switchable.

The assembly doesn't look immensely professional (power wires were 
soldered to the drive power terminals), but its not a home-made job.

The cable is available to any interested party, free of charge, and I 
won't even ask for postage costs :)

Anyone able to make use of this bizarre cable? If not it'll go back into 
the "Archives" (aka boxes in my garage).

-- Richard

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