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Date   : Tue, 14 Nov 2006 20:32:39 -0000
From   : samwise@... (Samwise)
Subject: EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@...
.co.uk] On Behalf Of adam colley
> Sent: 14 November 2006 00:43
> To: BBC Micro Submit To List
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> HIhi

> The legal reasons no longer exist, anyone can distribute fan produced
> elites now since David has stopped behaving like a petulant child.

Hi, Adam.  I'd be very interested in hearing more about this, as I haven't
heard of it before.  What makes you say that?

If it's just an observation based on the fact that Oolite (and maybe others)
are around and haven't been shutdown yet, I suspect that owes more to do
with the fact that it was a re-implementation from the ground up and
therefore one might argue is in a better legal position than Elite: The New
Kind and it's derivatives, like EliteGL, which were built on
reverse-engineered code from the original BBC Micro version.

If you have more information, please let us know!

> http://www.1984.org.uk/elite/ contains the ancient PC one and the
> EliteGL, dunno how old it is but it's what I got,

The former is the original official PC version which is available from Ian
Bell's website, whilst the latter is Aleksander Kenton's EliteGL 0.5 beta
which is actually still available from his website

Maybe I should have been more specific, but I was looking for the files
relating to the more popular project with the same name, EliteGL, by Mark
Follett.  Those files which I listed in my original email are no longer
available from his site [http://www.geocities.com/mef123.geo/elitegl.htm].

> I also have elitex
> if you want it but that's quite large so tell me if you do

Ahh, is that the one that used to be here: http://xelite.ods.org/?  I could
well be interested in that, if you could drop me a line.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Devenport [mailto:dave@...] 
> Sent: 14 November 2006 13:37
> To: Samwise
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> I just typed "elitegl.zip" into yahoo.com
> 3 versions of elitegl.zip is found here...
> http://members.fortunecity.co.uk/alekkenton/

Hi, Dave.  Sorry I wasn't clear, but that's the "other" version which is
actually still freely available (as you've found!).

> source and stuff can be found in the 4Meg elitegl.zip listed on here
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.dunn4/?M=D

Yes, this is the correct version.  Ideally, I was hoping to find the
original three files though, with the idea that I could create a website
which archives details of all the versions that have been pulled in case
that might help if someone were to try to get legal permission to distribute
something like the PPC version (which looks gorgeous but has never been
officially released).  I'm beginning to think that's a pipe dream though.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@...
> .co.uk] On Behalf Of Mark Usher
> Sent: 14 November 2006 14:28
> To: 'BBC Micro Submit To List'
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> > http://www.1984.org.uk/elite/ contains the ancient PC one and 
> > the EliteGL, dunno how old it is but it's what I got

> That is quite an old 0.5 Beta. Unfortunately I don't have 
> anything more
> recent. Is the 1.0 around anywhere?
> -Mark

I don't think there was one (for this version) - that's the original
download page.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Devenport [mailto:dave@...] 
> Sent: 14 November 2006 17:04
> To: Samwise
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=10281
> :)

glElite - now I'm sure you're playing with me ... ;)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@...
> .co.uk] On Behalf Of Thomas Harte
> Sent: 14 November 2006 18:30
> To: bbc-list
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.dunn4/ has an elitegl.zip 
> that is 4.7 mb and includes source, original Elite manuals in 
> PDF and a readme that identifies it as branched from 1.0 of 
> Elite:TNK. If someone can point me to authority that it is 
> okay to distribute these remakes now I could even do a Mac port.

Yeah, this is the one Dave pointed out and is indeed the version I'm talking
about.  Sadly, I haven't seen any evidence to say it's OK to distribute
these versions which is why finding the original archives is proving to be a
royal PITA!  You might have better chance legally with a ground-up rewrite
like Oolite, which shares no code with the original.  Of course, Oolite was
created for the Mac and ported to other platforms, so that's not much good
for you ... ;) 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@... 
> [mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+samwise=bagshot-row.org@...
> .co.uk] On Behalf Of Mark Usher
> Sent: 14 November 2006 20:23
> To: 'bbc-list'
> Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] EliteGL and other now-defunct remakes
> > http://homepage.ntlworld.com/paul.dunn4/ has an elitegl.zip 
> > that is 4.7 mb and includes source, original Elite manuals in 
> > PDF and a readme that identifies it as branched from 1.0 of 
> > Elite:TNK. If someone can point me to authority that it is 
> > okay to distribute these remakes now I could even do a Mac port.
> Almost the orginal bits and pieces. The elite directory has 
> been skinned
> though with the replacement graphics and sounds set.
> -Mark

Exactly.  Almost.  I'd really hoped that someone would have downloaded this
at some point, but it looks like Paul Dunn's ZIP is the last remaining
version ... and I'd really hoped to source the untouched original.

Hrmm ... looking at the vast number of other remakes which have bitten the
dust i.e. withdrawn, I wonder whether this is a project which is setting me
up for failure.



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