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Date   : Mon, 20 Nov 2006 01:16:11 +0000
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Envelope command in Basic V

>Message-ID: <06146B5D5346FB41B5C65713A6EB725001476AA1@...
"Tim Matthews" <tim.matthews@...> wrote:
> I've just been browsing Wikipedia as one does, and read: "the ENVELOPE
> keyword from BASIC V onwards is a command which takes fourteen numeric
> parameters and does nothing".
> Is this right? Why? So how does one get fancy sounds in Basic V?
Completely and utterly wrong.
ENVELOPE in BASIC V, IV, III, II and I takes fourteen numeric
parameters and passes them to OSWORD 8. What OSWORD 8 does with
them is completely and utterly irrelevant as far as BASIC is
BASIC doesn't know anything about sounds, envelopes, channels,
schedulers, voices or anything else. BASIC simply, only, and
merely assembles and passes a control block to the OS for the OS
to do with as it (the OS) wishes.
RISC OS does not do anything when OSWORD 8 is called.
Other systems may implement something when OSWORD 8 is called.
Richard Gellman <splodge@...> wrote:
> ENVELOPE does not exist on Basic V (the Archimedes version of Basic) as
Yes it does:
ARM BBC BASIC V version 1.05 (C) Acorn 1989
Starting with 651516 bytes free.

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
NOBODY expects the MACRO ARGUMENT INQUISITION!  Our chief weapon is
unexpected addressing modes... unexpected addressing modes and local
branches out of range.  Our two weapons are unexpected addressing modes and
local branches out of range and quoted argument lists.  Our *three* weapons
are unexpected addressing modes, local branches out of range, quoted
argument lists, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope.  *Amongst* our
weapons are such elements as unexpected addressing modes, local branches out
of range... I'll come in again.

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