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Date   : Wed, 29 Nov 2006 03:19:55 -0600
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Running on an NTSC display?

Peter Coghlan wrote:
> It might be simpler to leave the beeb generating PAL and use an NTSC/PAL
> capable TV.

I don't think such things exist in the US, at least not within the reach of 
mere mortals :-)

I think Canada might be on PAL and I'm not far from the border, but I have a 
feeling that their PAL != European PAL and there's some subtle difference... 
(I'll go Google on that in a sec)

> Do the Americans have anything like SCART?

Oh God no. TV / video / DVD technology is very much in the Dark Ages here 
compared to the UK / Europe. The only input on a typical US TV is RF; a 
separate box is needed to intercept any other kind of signal and convert it to 
(bad-quality) RF.

I expect that top-line new TVs do have a few extras, but it's not the sort of 
thing found on small CRT-based TVs as would typically be used with a home 



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