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Date   : Thu, 30 Nov 2006 11:56:43 -0000
From   : BBCMailingList@... (Ian Wolstenholme)
Subject: Formatting a scsi harddisk for ADFS

There used to be a disc image available somewhere which
contained about 20 different hard disc format routines.  Most
of them were modified versions of Superform tailored to a
particular manufacturer's disc geometry.  Superform is a
ST406/ST512 formatter for use with bridge boards.  It issues
a Mode Select command to the disc controller to tell it the
drive shape and then does a Format Entire Media with Defect
List operation to perform the format, then it verifies & writes
the free space map at sectors 0 & 1 and the root directory
at the next 5 sectors.

On this particular disc image there were also a few SCSI
formatters which had more functions like setting bytes per
sector and sectors per track for use with SCSI discs which
work on the Beeb.  I'm afraid I can't remember where the
image was saved, probably at 8BS, but I can dig out my
copy and upload it if necessary.

The difficulty is finding drives which will support 256-byte
sectors as required by ADFS.  If there is the ability to set
this sector size on some of the more modern Seagate
SCSI drives then I would be most interested to know more
about this.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Jules Richardson [mailto:julesrichardsonuk@...]
To: bbc-micro@...
Sent: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:57:06 -0600
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Formatting a scsi harddisk for ADFS

Mike wrote:
>> I know it should be possible to add the right commands to a program
>> like SuperForm so it will set the right Mode Page before issueing a
>> Format Unit command. Sadly I am not able to write anything like that.
> Seagate have a PC utility called 'Seatools enterprise'  in the advanced
> section you'll find an option to change the block length to whatever you
> want. For ADFS you need 256 bytes. Easiest way is to hook the drive to a PC
> with a suitable HBA, you may need to install ASPII from adaptec if windows
> doesn't. You can theh use Seatools to do the job.

Or on the Linux side, you can use the sgutils to do it. I don't recall if 
there's an 'sgraw'-type binary which can send an arbitrary sequence of bytes 
to a device, but I suspect that there is (I think 'sg_wr_mode' may be the thing).

Failing that, it'd be about ten lines of C code to do the job (which I realise 
isn't for everyone :-)  But still, there are ways and means.

Old Mac LC systems are a good source of low-capacity (40 - 120MB or so) SCSI 
drives, incidentally - they still seem pretty common. Whether they'll format 
to a 256 byte block size is another matter, though.



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