Date : Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:01:23 +0000
From : splodge@... (Richard Gellman)
Subject: Name that ULA
I was recently handed a box full of obscure ICs used to repair old home
computers (bbc micros, zx spectrums, commodore 64s, etc... even some
ZX81 ROMs...) and I've come across five of an unusual looking ULA chip.
It is a very flat, 4-sided affair, with the markings etched out of a
gold square. The casing is ceramic, with not actual pins to speak of.
Rather the connections spread out on the underside from the central
"core" to form pads to which spring contacts in the matching socket
contact with.
The chip is marked "FERRANTI ACORN ULA 12CO21M-33 8422".
The only reference I can find via Google is a single obscure document
formerly@... (nod to the member on this list
concerned) which (thanks to Google's cache) is a notice from Acorn
indicating the part is no longer in manufacture, but no details as to
what it is.
Does anyone know what this chip could be?
I'd be pleased if it turned out to be some modern equivalent of a TUBE
ULA, but I'm guessing this probably isn't the case.
-- Richard
P.S. If anyone is looking for some spare parts let me know what you're
after and I may be able to let a few from the uber-collection go (If I
have them.. The Acorn spares were a little sparse...). I'd like to keep
some spares for myself (natch) but I don't need *quite* that many :)