Date : Wed, 02 May 2007 23:18:36 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Arthur on 5.25" media...
>Message-ID: <4637ADE2.3000500@...>
Pete Turnbull <pete@...> wrote:
> >> The Arm second processor (aka Arm Evaluation System) didn't run Arthur.
> >
> > Now, was that the same as Brazil, or was Brazil different code completely?
> > seem to recall that the M4 and A680 have Brazil firmware, but is that true
> I don't know what Brazil is, so I can't answer that except to say that
> the string "Brazil" doesn't appear in the ROM, which is only 16Kbytes,
> so presumably not. Remember the A680 post-dates the A500 and the AES by
> about 4 years.
Brazil and Springboard is an ARM development/evaluation system
plugged into a PC. The system code for it is at
I think Brazil is the hardware and Springboard is the software.
I've not seen a picture of it, but it /could/ be a standard ARM
EvalKit or A500 plugged into a PC interface.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation