Date : Wed, 11 Jul 2007 00:10:36 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: ADFS documentation error and possible clarification
>Message-ID: <BAY130-F2673335042B74B22500957B2020@...>
"Steve O'Leary" <navalenigma@...> wrote:
> On the ADFS doc the directory footer information has a small error. It
> states the Directory name as starting at &4CD and ending at &4D5, that would
> give only 9 bytes when the directory name can be 10 bytes long. There seems
> to be a gap as the previous entry states a single byte at &4CB of the value
> &00 but nothing is mentioned for &4CC.
Typo must have slipped in. Checking the source documentation does
say: 1228-1237 (4CC-4D5): Directory name/access string.
> Also, a possible clarification. The document also states that all strings in
> directories are terminated with &D if less than 10 bytes. For the directory
The original docs say: terminated with &0D.
> name or title in the footer this does not hold true for the root dir which
> on a newly formatted disk with by $ and then &00 not $0D. A real beeb is
> tolerant of this dual terminator.
As ADFS never scans a directory when looking for '$' (it's an
absolute reference to sector 2), it's irrelevant what's actually
stored there for anything other than 'read CSD name OSGBPB 6'.
I'll do a bit of testing and see what happens.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation