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Date   : Wed, 18 Jul 2007 10:52:09 +0100
From   : chris.priest@... (Chris Priest)
Subject: SJ MDFS

Morning all,

I know this is a hell of a long shot, but I'll ask anyway, and I'll 
expect the 'You must be joking!' responses :)

My other half works for a charity that refurbishes old computers (PC's 
mostly) to under priveledged people.  They also offer training to them 
as well if they want to learn about computers, from building them to 
repairing them, using them, programming etc...

They get quite a few old computers in as well, they are looking to get 
some of these up and running and used to demonstrate the versitility of 
old hardware and also to provide a place where people can actually come 
and see old equipment running and maybe even use it.

So, on to the question, given my love of Acorn kit, they have asked me 
if I would set up a few BBC's and the like and get an Econet network up 
and running.  In amonst the kit they have been given they have a few 
econet boxes, terminators, clock boxes etc.

Now, I love the idea of having a system preserved and actually up and 
working, so I'm putting the feelers out to see if anyone has a 'spare' 
SJ MDFS that they could be persuaded to part with for love or money, 
don't mind what state, working, non working etc, I'll attempt to fix 
anything :)

So, does anyone have one they would be willing to part with?

Best Regards and thanks :)

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