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Date   : Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:52:19 +0100 (BST)
From   : haroonnet2002@... (F. Haroon)
Subject: modern BBC remake

> >What do the rest of you think?

Salaam alaikum brother Salahudin,

Excellent idea.  I'm with you on this one 100%.

> It's a recurring idea, and I've been toying with some
> ideas myself. There's not that much to gain though.

I'd disagree with JK on that one.  It is a much underestimated machine.

> I'd say the best would be somewhere in between. You'd
> at least ditch some rarely used or practically obsolete
> parts of the system like the tape and serial system,
> speech, ADC, disc interface (replace by GoMMC ;-),
> Econet, TV output. And at least put all ROM in a flash
> ROM chip and all RAM in an SRAM chip, ditch some of the
> logic as well (DRAM refresh, some glue logic). And put
> almost all of the remaining glue logic in an FPGA. That'd
> leave you with something like 9 chips (FPGA, SRAM, flash
> ROM, two VIAs, CPU, CRTC, Teletext chip, video ULA) and
> a little bit of peripheral logic and discrete components,
> and relatively little FPGA development effort. Say a
> third the PCB real estate. Relevant connectors in the
> same place. Use the same boxes and power supply.
> It'd not be cheap though. Somewhere between 50 and 100
> UKP I'd estimate, and that's building cost only, with
> most chips 'for free' i.e. salvaged from existing Beeb
> hardware.

Worth the money though...

> Personally, I'd also consider bringing in Master (and
> possibly B+) compatibility 'while you're at it' ...

It must be Master and backwards compatible to be worth the salt. 
Latest MOS, ADFS (cracked for GoMMC) but I think still keep the floppy

Or, has anyone thought about what can be done with the extra virtual
memory from the GoMMC?  Write a new RISC OS style GUI interface and
implement modern-day applications compatibility!

Brother, I didn't get where you lived...


> John Kortink
> -- 
> Email    : kortink@...
> Homepage : http://www.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink
> GoMMC, the ultimate BBC B/B+/Master storage system :
> http://web.inter.nl.net/users/J.Kortink/home/hardware/gommc
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