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Date   : Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:16:19 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: modern BBC remake

>Message-ID: <n55q93deg52ov6g078f99ha1pajtvnnc0g@...>
An idea I've been toying with as well.
John Kortink <kortink@...> wrote:
> I'd say the best would be somewhere in between. You'd
> at least ditch some rarely used or practically obsolete
> parts of the system like the tape and serial system,
> speech, ADC, disc interface (replace by GoMMC ;-),
> Econet, TV output. And at least put all ROM in a flash
You've just ripped out everything essential!
I need the serial interface to connect to other serial devices.
I need the disk interface in order to access disks. GoMMC and/or
hard drive /as well as/ a disk interface, not /instead of/! How on
earth do you get data between disk and the GoMMC or hard drive if
you don't had a disk interface. Yes yes, dismantle the GoMMC, find
a PC with a GoMMC interface that understands the disks you want to
use, mess about... Why deliberatly destroy the ability to do
*COPY :0.file :4.file ?
I need the Econet to connect to the server and the other networked
TV output is just a few extra components on the RGB/composite
video circuity. If you're going to have video output, why save the
pennies to throw away the TV output?
> It'd not be cheap though. Somewhere between 50 and 100
> UKP I'd estimate, and that's building cost only, with
> most chips 'for free' i.e. salvaged from existing Beeb
> hardware.
When I can sell you a Beeb for 30 quid, it would have to be a
"because I want to" project.
> Personally, I'd also consider bringing in Master (and
> possibly B+) compatibility 'while you're at it' ...
I'd put four banks of SRAM in banks 4-7 and put four 16K/32K ROM
sockets on the motherboard, regardless of what machine it copies.
Most of my BBC Bs have two banks of SRAM in via a 32K SRAM chip
and two flying leads.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
BBC IDE Hard Drive Interface - http://mdfs.net/Info/Comp/BBC/IDE
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