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Date   : Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:13:47 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: modern BBC remake

On 19/07/07, Mark Usher <mu.list@...> wrote:

> Oh, and the output from a modern BBC remake should be VGA sync speed
> compatible.
At least optionally so, yes.  No use ignoring all the readilly
available peripherals out there..

I'm not convinced on losing the printer ports for usb - most (cheap)
usb printers need hefty software drivers to work, it seems, as they
have little internal logic.  Parallel printers generally still behave
as you would expect, if you can find one...

I think ethernet is a must these days, though, much more so than USB.
Not necesarilly for accessing t'internet, but it gives access to more
printers, discs, serial ports, etc etc via readilly available and most
definitely non-pc-dedicated devices.
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