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Date   : Sat, 21 Jul 2007 12:48:55 +0100
From   : jon.welch@... (Jon Welch)
Subject: New versions of ADFS/DFS Explorer


I have been getting quite a few BBC discs recently from users wishing to
transfer them to a PC/Mac for use with BeebEm. 

I noticed that the majority of the discs contained old Wordwise documents
like letters, reports, essays and whole books in some cases. 

I have therefore added another viewer option to my Explorer programs to
allow you to view and print formatted Wordwise documents direct from disc
images instead of having to load the documents into an emulator running

The viewer copes with all the embedded commands of Wordwise and a few common
ones from Wordwise Plus (like underline and bold which are rendered properly
on screen). 

I have thrown quite a few documents at the viewer and they all seem to
display properly with headers/footers/page numbers etc. 

If you have a document which doesn't display properly, can you please let me
have a copy so I can see what the problem is. If you need any more Wordwise
Plus commands handling, please let me know as well. 

You can download Windows and Mac versions of both ADFS and DFS Explorer from
my web site at : 


I hope someone finds this new feature useful ! 

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