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Date   : Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:55:38 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: A few free Master bits... (Cambridge, UK)

Just a few initial Master odds and ends free to a good home / for postage 
costs... (nothing special, I'm afraid):

   1) Master 128 complete and working with just the standard ROM. Tested 
keyboard (one of the nice clicky ones). Dead battery pack (surprise!). Case is 
rather ropey with scratches & school's name stamped in the front below the 
keyboard. PCB backplate is a mess - this was a genlock machine so it's got a 
big hole drilled next to the PSU where the genlock connector was, and the 
plastic backing's correspondingly tatty. (Note I haven't tested every single 
port in this thing, but there's no reason to assume anything doesn't work)

  2) Master 128 case shell and (tested) 'clicky' keyboard - possible project 
for someone bonkers enough to drop a PC in there? :-) (No PSU, case is a bit 
sun-faded in places - a paint spray would do wonders)

  3) M128 system board with faulty sync (looks to be operational otherwise). 
Possibly of use to whoever wants item 1, as the PCB backplate's in good 
condition - I just couldn't motivate myself to drill the rivets out and swap 
it over :-)

  4) "clicky" Master keyboard with an odd fault where three of the keys end up 
transposed (I think it was X, C and M) - must be some stray conductive item 
caught up in the works somewhere!

  5) "clicky" Master keyboard with half its keys missing. Only of possible use 
to someone to rob for working keyswitches (which is why it's already missing 
half its keys ;)

... like I said, nothing special. I just don't like throwing things out 
without at least making an effort to see if they're of use to anyone!

Welcome to pickup just north of Cambridge, or I can ship for postage costs...


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