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Date   : Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:10:20 +0100
From   : adsb@... (Andrew Benham)
Subject: BBC Microcomputer System Technical Specification

Jules Richardson wrote:
> Is this in common circulation (the one I have is a photocopy of issue 3, 
> September 1981)?

Is this an Acorn spec, or a BBC one ?  Somewhere I probably still have
the BBC spec which required a Z80 processor...

>    2) Potential use of 8" floppy drives rather than 5.25" was a design 
> feature; I think that had gone by the time the machine really hit the streets?

As I recall, there are options (maybe even jumpers) on the motherboard to
configure the floppy interface suitably for 8 inch drives.

Andrew Benham           adsb@...       
Southgate, London N14, United Kingdom

The gates in my computer are AND OR and NOT, not "Bill".
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