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Date   : Sun, 19 Aug 2007 16:40:09 +0100
From   : julesrichardsonuk@... (Jules Richardson)
Subject: Acorn Winchester formatting...


What are the options (in terms of utilities) for formatting a ST506/412 hard 
disk hooked up to an Acorn SCSI interface via an Adaptec (ACB4000) bridge board?

I know I've asked that before long ago, but can't find the messages now :(

I need something that'll take disk geometry from the user (by whatever means), 
and issue a low-level 'format unit' command before laying down an ADFS 
filesystem - i.e. not just something that does the last high-level bit only or 
which presents a hard-coded choice of disks.

A bit of googling suggests that Superform might be the best option - which has 
the bonus of being written in BASIC, so presumably I can spit it over a serial 
link from a PC to the beeb rather than screwing around trying to write a 
floppy. Comments / experiences welcome, though!


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