Date : Fri, 22 Feb 2008 13:28:48 +1100
From : msmcdoug@... (Mark McDougall)
Subject: BBC FPGA Boots to BASIC... almost...
Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> Snap!
> Bruuhahahahaaahh!!!
> If ROM paging wasn't working, that may cause a problem, but it
> would before it gets back to BASIC to REPORT the error. Also, you
> would be likely to see the problem on BREAK/RESET when the ROMs
> are initially walks through to initialise them.
It should be working in all cases, but it's something for me to check again.
> Does the problem happen with all errors, or just Mistake? Try:
> to generate "No such variable" and see what happens.
Same thing - I see "N" and it freezes...
> Does the problem happen with all printout, or just printout after
> an error occurs? Try:
> This should continuously print HELLO
Yup, no problem with it. I ran a "hello world" program a few days ago and
left it running for a couple of hours.
> Is the printer buffer filling, or is it something else? Try
> selecting the printer sink with:
> *FX5,0
> and then generate the Mistake error again.
Same deal.
> If you have a way of monitoring the LED state,
> that would tell you if printer output is being inadvertantly
> selected and the buffer is filling up.
Not atm... the board I'm using atm only has 1 LED and that's used for
something else... :(
I should mention that pressing <ESC> also hangs the machine. From the BASIC
prompt I see "Esc" before it hangs...
The other weird thing is that I have a hot-key sequence that is supposed to
reset the design - resets the CPU and all the registers in the design - but
that results in a clear screen and a hang without anything displayed on the
screen. I have no idea why this doesn't restart properly. It may be
related... I have more investigation to do when I get the chance, which I
haven't for a few days now...
| Mark McDougall | "Electrical Engineers do it
| <> | with less resistance!"