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Date   : Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:29:09 +0000
From   : adsb@... (Andrew Benham)
Subject: Prestel

Jules Richardson wrote:

> Anyway, I've forwarded this one to our lot - I really wouldn't know a kosher 
> Prestel terminal if one were dropped on my foot, but we might have one or two 
> (I know we've got various viewdata systems and terminals, but they probably 
> don't count). At least "I want this in 2 weeks" is better than the "I want 
> this tomorrow" that we normally see ;)
> There is a teletext mailing list (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/teletext) and 
> a few folk there know about Prestel, but the group's more or less dead. I 
> suspect there are quite a few lurkers like me still subscribed, though; if he 
> asks there he might get some useful responses.

When I worked for STC, in the early 1980s we had a product named
'Novatel' (or was it 'Novotel' ?) which was a Prestel terminal about
the size of a shoe box, with a small CRT, and a numeric keypad on a
curly cord.

It was superseded by the Executel when STC bought ICL, the Executel
product having Sir Clive Sinclair's fingerprints all over it.


Unfortunately I haven't seen an example of either of these for years,
but the names might help him when searching.

Andrew Benham         adsb@...       
Southgate, London N14, United Kingdom

The gates in my computer are AND OR and NOT, not "Bill"
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