Date : Sat, 17 Jan 2009 18:53:04 +0000
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Prestel
2009/1/17 Pete Turnbull <pete@...>:
> On 17/01/2009 12:27, gARetH baBB wrote:
>> I'm pretty much now devoid of stuff to help him (apart from a few printed
>> bits and pieces), but I suspect one of you lot may be able to.
>> I think he's on a tight deadline - 1980 happens on February 6th. I've
>> suggested that using BBCs would be easier than real Tandata/Prestel
>> terminals, but they're doing a seperate BBC v Spectrum bit so something
>> which was around doing Prestel in 1980 is I think what he's really after.
There is a very slight chance that I still have an old prestel
terminal adapter hidden away. It was white, with a simple numeric
keypad on top, about the size of the front half of a Beeb cheesewedge.
Connected to the phone line and a domestic TV. No keyboard apart
from the keypad, although you could connect a RS232 keyboard at the
back. (I used to use a Tandy Model 100 for this occasionally!) It's
about the right vintage,but the question is... do I still have it? If
so, it'll be in a box at the back of the large pile of boxes in the
spare room... I used this when I was staying at my then GF's rather
than hauling a Beeb about...
I've also got lots of old screenshots from Prestel / Micronet,
somewhat more accessible being either on BBC floppies or on an econet
fileserver. Sorting them out is another matter... I've also got a
working Autognomic host on the same fs, and just maybe the right
modems to set that up to answer a phone...
I'll try and have a rummage, and if I find enough things, will drop
the bloke a line...