Date : Mon, 19 Jan 2009 12:45:28 +0000
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Prestel
2009/1/19 Mark Usher <mu.list@...>:
>> My Viewdata board is currently switched off because it's in a
>> bit of the garage which is buried under a fairground organ,
>> but perhaps this is giving me the impetus to get it running
>> again. I had it going via a SIP interface providing a classic
>> V23 experience too (see <>).
> Mmmmm, SIP account. Brilliant idea. Just got my FritzBox 7270, an integrated
> WLAN/DECT/VOIP/ADSL/ISDN/POTS/PBX router - a fantastic bit of kit. Time to
> dig out the WS2000 and hook it up methinks! Just the thing for a wet Monday
> afternoon.
If I could just get the ethernet board in my A5000 talking to the LAN
correctly, and some form of VNC server running, then I'd be able to
sort out a little more of my own software and kit - it works as an
econet fileserver which I've had the Beebs talking to (and restored a
backup of my old FS onto it from one) but I'm not able to sit at it
for any length of time, since it's burried in a remote corner of the
bedroom at present.
I'd been planning on using an old terminal server I have to give
telnet access to a beeb or two running host software, but using VoIP
sounds like fun - I've got plenty of FXO ports about the house I can
pinch one or two to connect an old modem to!
It's just time I'm short of - I've got about six months of decorating
to catch up on first :-(