Date : Sat, 07 Mar 2009 16:25:34 +0000
From : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Byte Back Meetup (Sat 7th March)
2009/3/7 Joel Rowbottom <joel@...>:
> --On Saturday, March 07, 2009 13:21:59 +0000 Rob <robert@...>
> wrote:
>> Anybody there got an Atom? ?Just found an old tape with "Alien hunt"
>> on one side, and a prog to print a picture of snoopy on the other ..
> There's an Atom, several Econetted BBC Micros (but no Cave, please bring on
> 5.25"), lots of software, the Domesday Project of course, and some other
> foo. I'm just back at my hotel dumping stuff then will be heading back to
> the festival for a few beers and a bit of a relax.
I found another tape stuffed with atom progs, too..
I don't think I have Cave ... anywhere I can download it? I found my
scrolling LED message board thingy, but not the software for it yet.
Shouldn't be hard to tinker something up quickly though. I've also
had my econet back up and runnning here to test. . Is there room for
another econent? (from three or four machines, incl. server) Anybody
bring a bridge? :-) I can give a glimps of how online stuff worked
via a full working viewdata host, including at least one game I
orginally wrote to go on Prestel (a 3D maze.. well it was good for
it's time..)
Looks like my master has lost all it's cmos though, so will need to
sort that out, and I also need to find a copy of SetStation for RISCOS
3.1 too, it seems..
Is there any room for a box or two of for-sale/swaps? I've got half a
dozen cybiko handholds for a start, which should fit in nicely with
the theme of the event...
Lastly, I've just been out and, shock horror, bought a TV.... A 1980s
vintage hitachi "monitor style" portable! Cost me all of a fiver,
but should at least allow me to check out the ZX stuff I promised to
I guess I'll just chuck all i can in the car, and what there's not
room for on the list tables can just stay there.
Fingers crossed, I'll see you all tomorrow.. (I'm being told I have to
go there, now!)
> We're in the "Exec Suite" which is next to the main room, entrance is
> separate to the main entry point.
> Beers probably in the exec suite after the last presentation finishes, so
> around 5 I think.
> I will be there tomorrow, so will Ian. Not sure who else.
> Photos sometime tomorrow at
> j x