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Date   : Fri, 13 Mar 2009 19:41:03 +0000
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: Future Meetups (was Byte back)

2009/3/13 Dave Moore <dllm@...>:

> Oh, come on - surely somewhere like Oxford would be a fair compromise?

Oxford would be a superb location. In relative terms it's not even
that much further than Southampton for people travelling from places
like Plymouth. If you draw concentric circles marking distance around
the place in order to visualise the practical 'catchment' area, then
Southampton is good for people coming from Le Havre (are there many
8-bit Acorn enthusiasts in northern France?)

> I've got no idea why so many Southerners appear to be afraid of venturing 'oop
> North but if you run an event on the South Coast, it's just going to increase
> the journey time for any poor sods hoping to travel from further North
> (Midlands, East Anglia, Wales etc).

Very true. Although I always smile when anybody seems reluctant to
travel more than 30 miles, given that I'll very happily drive 400 or
500 miles in a day without giving it a second thought, assuming I've
got enough money to cover the petrol costs. (The best one was Newark
to Exeter and back in a day in a 903cc-engined car full of Apple

> So in my opinion it's prudent to "piggyback" onto existing events

Great idea, especially given that it seems to have been proven that it
works, given how well Byte Back went. Let's try not to overdo it
though! People might get annoyed if every event they go to has a
couple of each kind of machine, then a network of 20 Beebs taking up
half the space :-)

Alex Taylor
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