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Date   : Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:34:23 -0000
From   : tom@... (Tom Seddon)
Subject: BBC register shuffling

The following should do the trick, though it's all off the cuff. It  
requires 1 byte of working storage and assuming your byte is in zero page  
it's (I think...) 7 bytes shorter. I label the bits as follows:

       B+:     --RIDS10
       M128:   --DS2R10

R=reset, I=interrupt, D=density select, 2/1/0=drive select bits.

So, with comments showing value in A ("."=0, "-"=unknown):

       PHA             ; --RIDS10
       AND #%00000011  ; ......10
       STA TMP         ; ......10
       PLA             ; --RIDS10
       AND #%00101100  ; ..R.DS..
       ASL A           ; .R.DS...
       ASL A           ; R.DS....
       ORA #%00000100  ; R.DS.R..
       ORA TMP         ; R.DS.R10

This always leaves drive select 2 reset (for obvious reasons) and bit 7  
set to the old value of R (under the assumption the value doesn't matter).

If you can use self-modifying code, you can chop it down to 0 bytes of  
working storage by replacing "ORA TMP" with "ORA #0" and using the  
location FINALIZE+1 instead of TMP, though this would make the code 2  
bytes longer (unless the code itself is in zero page of course).


On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 17:48:34 -0000, Michael Firth <mfirth@...>  

> I'm looking to write some 6502 assembler to swap from the B/B+ 1770  
> control
> register format of:
>       Bit       Meaning
>         -----------------
>         7,6       Not used.
>          5        Reset drive controller chip.
>          4        Interrupt ?
>          3        Double density select (0 = double, 1 = single).
>          2        Side select (0 = side 0, 1 = side 1).
>          1        Drive select 1.
>          0        Drive select 0.
> to the Master control register format of:
>         Bit       Meaning
>         -----------------
>         7,6       Not used.
>          5        Double density select (0 = double, 1 = single).
>          4        Side select (0 = side 0, 1 = side 1).
>          3        Drive select 2.
>          2        Reset drive controller chip.
>          1        Drive select 1.
>          0        Drive select 0.
> Obviously (assuming the value is to start and finish in A) something
> primitive like:
> AND #&03
> STA temp_loc
> AND #&0C
> ORA temp_loc
> STA temp_loc
> AND #&20
> ORA temp_loc
> would do the job, but does anyone have a better suggestion for the code?
> Thanks
> Michael
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