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Date   : Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:39:57 +0100
From   : dominic@... (Dominic Beesley)
Subject: Master ethernet upgrade

Hi Sprow,

Money is tight at the moment but I'll be adding this to my wish list! 

However, I'd really like to have a "hack" at it to do some odd stuff, so
would you be willing to give out a copy of the schema and details of what to
peek and poke to control the chips directly? (I'll sign an NDA if you don't
want to make them public)- I had Contiki running on my master a while ago
serving pages over the internet via PPP I'd love to get that going via
Ethernet - I'd already got a uIP stack running - so "should" be relatively
"simple" to rework that... [yeah right!]

Secondly you mention in the FAQ that it refuses to work with Vista have you
tried the following (on the Vista machine):
   1. Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Local Security Policy
   2. Windows Vista's Local Security Policy console will appear. Highlight
Local Policies.
   3. Double-click Security Options.
   4. Scroll down to the Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level
policy entry and double-click it.
   5. Change the value from the default setting of Send MTLMv2 Response Only
to Send LM & NTLM -- Use NTLMv2 Session Security If Negotiated, then click
OK. (Figure J).
   6. Close the Local Security Policy console.

There are other bits and bobs you might have to try in Local Policies too -
I had to mess with all these to get all my Linux/Acorn/Weird machines to
talk to each other nicely


PS: I've still not got much further with the Master ARM/Linux project as my
Master has been languishing in the corner of the workshop for a while now
but will no doubt give it another go soon!

-----Original Message-----
From: bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...
[mailto:bbc-micro-bounces+dominic=brahms.demon.co.uk@...] On
Behalf Of Sprow
Sent: 10 July 2009 08:13
To: bbc-micro@...
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Master ethernet upgrade

In article <2f806cd70907091424i1d125b75gf5f3e07f6b8e156e@...>,
   Rob <robert@...> wrote:
> 2009/7/9 Sprow <info@...>:
> > Hi,
> > I am pleased to be able to announce the availability of a 10/100Mbps
> > ethernet upgrade for the BBC Master series.
> Reading the web page, I presume the LANManFS only talks to SMB shares
> - will you be able to provide other filing system options, e.g. NFS
> (the UNIX/Linux version!)  Or give enough information to allow these
> to be written?

That's correct, the default LANManFS supplied only talks to SMB servers such
as Windows or Samba. It would be completely possible to support other
protocols or other uses, such as
 NFS - for Unix shares
 HTTP - for direct download of games archives
 SMTP - send/receive emails
 FTP - file shovelling

What's missing at the moment (aside from me not having an NFS server to test
on) is any kind of API to allow users such as yourself to talk to the
network. The interface currently supports those things which I've found to
be necessary, eg. for *PING I needed a means of resolving names by DNS and a
means of sending ICMP packets, so there's a "resolve name" and "send one
ping" interface.

I guess the simplest thing to do would be present a BSD-a-like sockets
interface via OSWord or something similar. Or maybe sockets via a filing
system so

Suggestions welcomed.

> I'm assuming this connects in place of an econet module, so they
> cannot both be in a machine at the same time - so ... the most obvious
> question I think ... can it talk AUN ?  After all .. I've got BeebEm
> talking it, so it should be possible... :-) :-)

It does replace the Econet module, but (not knowing much about AUN) I assume
with an API of some sort it could directly talk Econet just over a different
medium. The ROM has about 10k of code in it at present so there's 6k blank,

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