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Date   : Sat, 11 Jul 2009 08:55:24 +0100
From   : mike@... (Mike Tomlinson)
Subject: Master Compact Drive Cable

In article <4A5779FB.1040701@...>, Pete Turnbull
<pete@...> writes

> Many drives do 
>this in different ways, some for example just turn on the LED in 
>response to the Drive Select line, but some need this and also either 
>Motor_On (pin 16) or In_Use (pin 6).

That got me thinking.  I'm fairly sure the FileSnore, which used the
same base unit and drives as the Compact, could control the drive LEDs
independently without spinning them, perhaps to provide error
indication?  Can't quite remember.

The Archimedes also flashed the drive LED to indicate error conditions.
Different cadences of flashes could be looked up to determine the
precise error.
(='.'=)  Bunny says Windows 7 is Vi$ta reloaded.
(")_(")  http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/windows_7.png
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