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Date   : Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:15:05 +0000 (GMT)
From   : tommowalker@... (Tom Walker)
Subject: Atom Questions

> 2. Has anyone got a spare 1MHz 6502 for sale?

I've got one I pulled from a Commodore 1541 you can have. However -
> 3. What would happen if I put in a 2MHz (or more) 6502?

It will (should) work fine at 1mhz. There is a lower limit to the 6502 clock
speed, but it's well below that.

> 6. How can I find out what optional ROMs are connected to the Atom
> without taking them out and reading them in an EPROM programmer? Is
> there an equivalent of *ROMS or *HELP?

Nope. The Atom's not a very friendly machine. I'd imagine if there were any
optional ROMs though, they'd probably be labelled.

> 7. Can I get colour graphics without any extra hardware?? 

No. The video chip will handle colour (as will the FP ROM), but there's no
colour encoding circuitry on the main board. There is a seperate colour board,
there was one at the RCM event in May. But it looked pretty complicated.


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