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Date   : Mon, 13 Jul 2009 16:21:28 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Acorn L4 guides

On 13/07/2009, Jonathan Graham Harston <jgh@...> wrote:
> Rob wrote:
>> Has anybody got, or can point me at, a digital copy of the Level 4
>> Network Managers guide?  It's not up in any of the usual places I've
>> looked, and google isn't beng helpful either.
> If you can hang on a few days I'll scan mine in.

Thank you very much!

No desperate hurry, I'm waiting on an SD memory card to replace the
hard disc in the A5000 anyway.. the 20+yo hard discs suddenly decided
they didn't like being on 24/7 in a hot attic after all those years
resting, and have been giving me warning signs.  Mark at retroclinic
sold me an SD-IDE adapter at Byte Back, so thought I might as well use
it before it's too late!

Once it's got the new drive in, I want to try and set the software
(L4, !Boot etc) up "properly", lol..


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