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Date   : Tue, 14 Jul 2009 12:12:51 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: happy bunny

I know I'm counting chickens here, when still I've only got eggs but
had to post this...

Just had a call from a woman in response to an ad I put on one of the
local realcycle lists...

They are moving, and her husband is having a clear out, and he's got a
lot of beeb stuff.  As well as all the usual, it seems he's got some
more interesting things there too - a light pen, modems, econet clock
box (could do with a proper one!) and ... wait for it ... apparently,
there are *three* acorn fileservers !!  All ex-school, of course.

Hopefully I'm going down tomorrow to pick it up, much to the chagrin
of my wife.  (I'm supposed to be tidying up and getting rid of some
unused stuff myself, not adding to it, but this lot seems to be too
good to turn down!)

As it seems that there may be more there than I can use or would need,
best get prepared for a bartering session, people ... :-)

Fingers crossed...

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