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Date   : Wed, 15 Jul 2009 00:03:13 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Master ethernet upgrade

"Mark Haysman" wrote:
> > stick, which I assume is FAT formatted, would be read by RISC
> > OS' DOSFS which stores filetypes in a reserved field (which
> > Windows usually zeros) and also can't fit the full 64 bit
> > load/exec addresses into the native catalogue format. It also
Petrov's DOSFS <http://mdfs.net/Apps/Filing> manages it. The DOS Technical
Reference Manual states: byes 12-21 : Reserved
Petov DOSFS puts the load&exec in 12-15 and 16-19.
> Unless you (or someone!) can think of another way of doing it without using
> a .INF file, I'll probably go with using a custom extension and adding the
I'd always recommend using a pre-existing method, especially a pre-existing
method that people will be using when transfering data to the medium you
are creating a new filing system for.
> metadata to the end, as it seems the neatest way of doing it. I can always
> cook up a basic program to generate the metadata from .INF file and vice
> versa if compatiblilty becomes necessary.
When I wrote a bulk backup to non-Acorn media program some 15 or so
years ago <fx: 30min tangental search for the code... ah ha! found
it: http://mdfs.net/Comms/SerLink.zip> I used a "!!METADATA" file
in each directory, of the following format:
Multiple lines of:
<10-space padded filename> <tab> 31*<hex bytes> <lf>
Each line is 10+1+2*31+1 = 74 bytes. Eg:
CLOSE     <tab>A800FFFFA800FFFF06000000130847133500084700000000000000
VERS      <tab>230EFFFF230EFFFF1F0000003322320E0C1E3E310000004D004D00
VList     <tab>C008FFFFC008FFFF1F020000330452153D00045200000045000000
               <---- standard metadata -----><-- server metadata --->
I've been toying with the idea of writing a USBFS, and as it fiddly
- to say the least - to get the controller to access raw directory
info, I've been toying with the idea of using .inf files. Even
though I don't really like them I've ended up adding support for
them in lots of code I've written (eg ZipToInf, SJFiler).
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
HADFS System Resources - http://mdfs.net/Software/HADFS
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