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Date   : Wed, 15 Jul 2009 18:48:54 +0100
From   : zeem.uk@... (Alex Taylor)
Subject: happy bunny

2009/7/15 Rob <robert@...>:

> a logitech mouse, probably for an arc (wonder if it will work with the
> A3000 I've got upstairs)

If it's a 9-pin DIN then yes, most RISC OS machines up to and
including the RiscPC used them. They're just quadrature mice; I
adapted an optical USB one with the cable off a dead Acorn one, plus
some track cutting and three resistors.

> I'm just a bit wary of letting all the
> magic smoke out of the capacitors, given these have not been used for
> so long.

I just power them up. I've never had an exploding X2 capacitor cause
any problem other than the smoke and smell, although they could
potentially cause a blown fuse. One possible tactic might be to remove
them anyway before powering them up. They could be replaced before
powering it up, while it's apart, or checked for function then
replaced afterwards, if it actually works.

Alex Taylor
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