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Date   : Wed, 22 Jul 2009 19:37:41 +0100
From   : blip@... (John)
Subject: DDOS question - To decode or not decode

Hi All


Is there any way to 'decode' a disk format using a Beeb?


I have some disks which used a DDFS/DDOS filing system and I am not sure if
they were recorded using Watford or Opus DDOS/DDFS


All I have to test is a fairly standard BBC+


I don't want to send off for ROMs that either will not work in a BBC+ or
will not read the disks.


I'm guessing an Acorn standard disk filing system ROM will be unsuitable
because the filing system will just fail to read.


Failing all this, can I send a couple of disks off to a volunteer with a
range of filing systems to test?


Just to make life interesting, the disks have been boxed up in various
environments for about 20 years, so not sure how reliable they are!






John T.



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