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Date   : Thu, 23 Jul 2009 01:50:12 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: RFC: BBC Ethernet API

         Request For Comments - Proposed BBC Ethernet API
In discussing "BBC Ethernet interface", on 10 Jul 2009 Sprow wrote:
> What's missing at the moment (aside from me not having an NFS server
> to test on) is any kind of API to allow users such as yourself to talk
> to the network. [...] I guess the simplest thing to do would be present
> a BSD-a-like sockets interface via OSWord or something similar.
I present here a proposal for an OSWORD Ethernet access call. Having
examined the BSD sockets library and the RISC OS Sockets documentation it is
clear that the calls have a fairly uniform interface. Parameters passed to
calls are almost always: socket, address, length, flags, remote_address,
remote_length. This makes it fairly easy to translate to an OSWORD
interface. I propose the following:
On entry: A%=192, X%=control block, Y%=X%DIV256
          X%?0  = OSWORD send block length
          X%?1  = OSWORD receive block length
          X%?2  = command - same as RISC OS SWI Socket_ command number
          X%?3  = 0
          X%!4  = socket
          X%!8  = address
          X%!12 = length
          X%!16 = flags
          X%!20 = address
          X%!24 = address length
On exit:  X%?3 = 0 for OK, <>0 for error
          X%!4 onwards = any returned parameters
          Memory pointed to by X%!8 on entry may be modified
Commands passed in X%?2 are those in the RISC OS Socket_ SWIs, that is:
 &00 Socket_Creat       X%!4=domain, X%!8=type,  X%!12=protocol
 &01 Socket_Bind        X%!4=sock, X%!8=name,    X%!12=namelen
 &02 Socket_Listen      X%!4=sock, X%!8=backlog
 &03 Socket_Accept      X%!4=sock, X%!8=addr,    X%!12=len
 &04 Socket_Connect     X%!4=sock, X%!8=name,    X%!12=namelen
 &05 Socket_Recv        X%!4=sock, X%!8=buf,     X%!12=len,  X%!16=flags
 &06 Socket_Recvfrom    X%!4=sock, X%!8=buf,     X%!12=len,  X%!16=flags,
X%!20=from, X%!24=fromlen
 &07 Socket_Recvmsg     X%!4=sock, X%!8=msg,     X%!12=flags
 &08 Socket_Send        X%!4=sock, X%!8=msg,     X%!12=len,  X%!16=flags
 &09 Socket_Sendto      X%!4=sock, X%!8=msg,     X%!12=len,  X%!16=flags,
X%!20=to, X%!24=tolen
 &0A Socket_Sendmsg     X%!4=sock, X%!8=msg,     X%!12=flags
 &0B Socket_Shutdown    X%!4=sock, X%!8=how
 &0C Socket_Setsockopt  X%!4=sock, X%!8=level,  X%!12=optname, X%!16=optval,
 &0D Socket_Getsockopt  X%!4=sock, X%!8=level,  X%!12=optname, X%!16=optval,
 &0E Socket_Getpeername X%!4=sock, X%!8=name,   X%!12=namelen
 &0F Socket_Getsockname X%!4=sock, X%!8=name,   X%!12=namelen
 &10 Socket_Close       X%!4=sock
 &11 Socket_Select      X%!4=nfds, X%!8=readfds, X%!12=writefds,
X%!16=exceptfds, X%!20=timeout
 &12 Socket_Ioctl       X%!4=sock, X%!8=request, X%!12=argp
 &13 Socket_Read        X%!4=sock, X%!8=buf,     X%!12=num
 &14 Socket_Write       X%!4=sock, X%!8=buf,     X%!12=num
 &15 Socket_Stat        X%!4=sock, X%!8=buf
 &16 Socket_Readv       X%!4=sock, X%!8=iov,     X%!12=iovcnt
 &17 Socket_Writev      X%!4=sock, X%!8=iov,     X%!12=iovcnt
Calls can be put in BASIC veneers in the following manner:
  DEFFNSocket_Open(X%!4, X%!8):!X%=&2020:A%=192:CALL &FFF1:=X%!4
  DEFFNSocket_Listen(X%!4, X%!8):!X%=&2020:X%?2=2:A%=192:CALL &FFF1:=X%?3
  DEFFNSocket_Connect(X%!4, X%!8, X%!12):!X%=&2020:X%?2=4:A%=192:CALL
and called with code similar to:
  sock%=FNSocket_Open(domain%, type%, protocol%)
  A%=FNSocket_Listen(sock%, buflen):IF A%:PROCSocket_Error(A%):END
  A%=FNSocket_Read(sock%, buffer, buflen):IF A%:PROCSocket_Error(A%):END
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
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