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Date   : Thu, 23 Jul 2009 11:20:59 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Anyone about to test a BBS?

Hmm.... dratted thing looked fine accessing it locally ... all I did
was change the IP address suitably before zipping the stuff up.

I wonder what could be causing that ...

On 23/07/2009, Dave Moore <dllm@...> wrote:
>> Is there anybody online now who fancies a quick test of some software for
> me?
>> Download http://www.viewdata.org.uk/downloads/BeebEmBBSdialer.zip
>> unpack, and run RUNME.BAT   - Sorry, Windows only...
> I was able to log in and spent a couple of minutes poking around (though I
> didn't leave a message).
> It appeared to be working, though the text was generally rather corrupt.
> Have uploaded a few screen captures for you here:
> http://www.stairwaytohell.com/sthforums/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2438&start=0
> I'm still most impressed though!! :D
> --Dave
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