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Date   : Fri, 24 Jul 2009 14:18:20 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: A new Element 14

On 24/07/2009, samwise <samwise@...> wrote:
> The Acorn Computers trademark was licensed in 2006 from French company
> Aristide & Co Antiquaire De Marques and obtained the
> acorncomputers.co.uk domain name through Nominet's Dispute Resolution
> Service (DRS) who ruled that the domain name should be transferred to
> the new Acorn from computer enthusiast Roy Johnson, after contending
> that the "use of [Acorn Computers'] company name is illegal and has
> caused much confusion and continues to do so which is detrimental to
> [Acorn] and extremely misleading".
> http://www.bailii.org/uk/cases/DRS/2006/3682.html

Reading that, it seems that, since Nominet were unable to contact Mr
Johnson despite using a variety of methods, and therfore he was unable
to explain the use of the domain name, the decision pretty much went
against him by default and acorncomputers.co.uk was handed over to
Acorn Computers Ltd, despite it having been registered long before the
complaining company even existed.

So... lesson one:  keep contact details on your domain names up-to-date...

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