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Date   : Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:11:59 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: ITV Teletext to shut down in January

On 25/07/2009, Jonathan Graham Harston <jgh@...> wrote:
> Ooo goodie. Can I get them to not do whatever it is that means I
> have to leap for the volume control whenever the adverts are on.
> I describe it as "the adverts are louder", but teccy TV people
> repeatedly deny they do anything, and talk about dynamic range and
> compression or some such rubbish. All I know is that I can hear
> somebody in the kitchen saying "cuppa tea?" during the program, but
> can't during the adverts, and have to rectify it by turning the
> TV's volume down. That's "loudness" to me.

Indeed.  that one's the ASA's job though.

6.9 Sound levels in advertisements

Advertisements must not be excessively noisy or strident.  The maximum
subjective loudness of advertisements must be consistent and in line
with the maximum loudness of programmes and junction material.

Broadcasters must endeavour to minimise the annoyance that perceived
imbalances could cause, with the aim that the audience need not adjust
the volume of their television sets during programme breaks.
it goes on a bit to say that occasinally ads appear in quiet parts of
the programmes, but certainly if you see it consistently, then it's
the broadcaser at fault.

And the link you need:

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