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Date   : Tue, 28 Jul 2009 22:50:43 +0100
From   : robert@... (Rob)
Subject: Econet <> Ethernet

On 28/07/2009, Michael Firth <mfirth@...> wrote:

> Obviously that doesn't cater for the low level interest - it would be cool
> if people could
> just download BeebEm and join in.

This was why I was thinking about using PPTP - Given we're talking
about BeebEm for Windows, and I think all windows varients support it
(although I've not checked Vista) it'll be fairly easy to give people
access.. just need a quick "do this to set it up" guide.

> There is also the security challenge - the Beeb community may be relatively
> honest, but
> I don't think I'd be completely happy with creating an open tunnel into my
> home network
> to all enthusiasts.

For an ad-hoc use, I was envisisioning seting up a server (PPTP or
otherwise) that issues IPs on a unique range that doesn't match any
currently in use the attached LAN, so that the only things that
dial-in users can connect to are each other and anything I
specifically add an alias ip address in the right range to,.

I've been thinking about this because we'd like to set something up
for the September show where people can access the show econet from
outside!  If I run a vpn server here which acts as a hub, and
everyone, and the show systems connects into it, then I don't have to
worry about incoming connections to the hotel internet.

I think I can do this such that it's all transparent and even
compatible with AUN default addressing schemes. I'll have to set up a
trial system..

> I guess if the Econet<>Ethernet gateway can terminate the IP in IP sessions,
> then it could
> also do a firewalling function, blocking anything from going over the
> tunnel(s) apart from
> the AUN traffic.
> That wouldn't help people whose primary machines are RiscOS though, as
> having AUN
> open to an unknown community would still be a risk (no pun intended!)

What services run on a RISC OS machine that would be a risk to
external manipilation?

>> Heh, right.  Something like *SERVERS is probably the easiest way of
>> exercising broadcasts.
> Presumably *STATIONS does something similar? (though I guess though
> you typically get more responses, the broadcast initial message is
> presumably
> very similar)

The version I got recently off JGH just polls each machine in turn,
254 to 1.  Not sure about the one on the L2FS disc I've been playing
with on the real econet, but it also presents it's results in reverse
numerica order, albeit a bit quicker!

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