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Date   : Wed, 29 Jul 2009 20:48:57 +0200
From   : rick@... (Rick Murray)
Subject: Econet <> Ethernet

Michael Firth wrote:

> Obviously that doesn't cater for the low level interest - it would be cool 
> if people could just download BeebEm and join in.


> There is also the security challenge - the Beeb community may be relatively 
> honest, but I don't think I'd be completely happy with creating an open tunnel
 > into my home network to all enthusiasts.

Application note 267, page 18. Is there not a measure of security from 
what can and cannot pass through a gateway?

It might be an idea for the bridge/gateway/whatever to implement a sort 
of rudimentary 'firewall' in that specific Econet ports can be 
allowed/disallowed. For example, if all ShareFS traffic uses ports 123 
and 124 (I'm making this up, don't have a reference handy) then block 
them from the outside world. Likewise, block print spool sessions 
inbound. Actually, I'm not sure inbound/outbound would make much 
difference, just filter it period.

> That wouldn't help people whose primary machines are RiscOS though, as 
> having AUN open to an unknown community would still be a risk (no pun
 > intended!)

Well, I trust they'll use passworded (and perhaps 'hidden') shares!

Best wishes,


Rick Murray, irregular internet access at local library.
BBC B: DNFS, 2 x 5.25" floppies, EPROM prog, Acorn TTX
E01S FileStore, A3000/A5000/RiscPC/various PCs/blahblah...
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