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Date   : Fri, 07 Aug 2009 01:26:47 +0200
From   : rick@... (Rick Murray)
Subject: Level 4 FS Y2K query

Johan Heuseveldt wrote:

> A quick 'n dirty one - and very buggy - can be found here
>   <http://www.waarland.demon.nl/Econet/SETTIME/>

Or for those with access to RISC OS:
   fstime%?0 = day% + ((year% AND &F0) << 1)
   fstime%?1 = month% + ((year% AND &0F) << 4)
   fstime%?2 = hour%
   fstime%?3 = minute%
   fstime%?4 = second%
   SYS "XNetFS_DoFSOp", 28, fstime%, 5, 5

Look towards the bottom of 
http://www.heyrick.co.uk/econet/fs/rescue.html for the full source.

Best wishes,


PS: http://www.waarland.demon.nl/synoniemen.html not found, from main
     index page.

Rick Murray, irregular internet access at local library.
BBC B: DNFS, 2 x 5.25" floppies, EPROM prog, Acorn TTX
E01S FileStore, A3000/A5000/RiscPC/various PCs/blahblah...
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