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Date   : Sun, 09 Aug 2009 23:24:40 +0200 (BST)
From   : johan@... (Johan Heuseveldt)
Subject: Level 4 FS Y2K query


On Sun 09 Aug, Sprow wrote:
> In article <Marcel-1.53-0809113737-0b0xSBG@...>,
>    Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...> wrote:
> [snip]
> > It is not hard to see that the two systems of use and
> > interpretation, clashes enormously!
> >
> >     It's a mystery to me why Acorn didn't get this right
> >     in the first place, e.g. a bit in the attributes field.
> >     Even when restricted to 8 bits - not touching the other
> >     24 bits of the 32 bits sized attributes field - there is
> >     still space to a dedicated bit for this purpose.
> The top 24 bits of the attributes are private to the filing system.

I wasn't shure about that. Thanks!

> Some
> will just preserve but ignore them, others will make them read only, others
> use them to contain private meta data.
> For example, NetFS stores the date in them
>   byte 0 = common FS attributes per AUG
>   byte 1 = bits 0-4 day of month
>            bits 5-7 year high bits
>   byte 2 = bits 0-3 month
>            bits 4-7 year low bits
>   byte 3 = unused

Econets use was known to me. :-)

> All 8 bits of the common FS attributes have already been used up, so there's
> no where left to store the flag.

There is a bit for 'Execute Only'. I have the feeling this was in
use for only a small amount of time. Is it still (officially) in use?
Also, some third parties could have claimed a bit, but,again, is/was
it officially confirmed/accepted? If not confirmed, is there consensus?

On the old platform, there must be a bit available I reckon.

> As you state, the two systems do overlap considerably,

Yeah, a real pitty.


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place

"After all, we only go around once.
There's really no time to be afraid."
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