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Date   : Mon, 17 Aug 2009 00:17:24 +0100
From   : joel@... (Joel Rowbottom)
Subject: (none)

On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 21:26:10 +0100, Rob <robert@...> wrote:

> What other networked games are there other than Cave and JGH's
> Muggins?

Arena and Arena II.

Both were created at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Wakefield. The
original Arena was a plaintext job which used file handling, lots of GOTOs
and ON ERROR 0 (or whatever OPEN? was) to do stuff, and the sequel wasn't
much better under the hood but was lots prettier.

There does exist a third version which used SRAM and did some quite clever
Econet stuff (you may have had to have a 'server' running, I never did find
the sourcecode in my last 5.25" clearout). TBH I might be tempted to
rewrite it but I haven't got enough tuits for the moneymaking bit of my
life never mind the fun side ;)

I think we had Arena II running at Byteback. The premise wasn't really
adventuring, more grabbing everything in the objects database and hitting
each other with it.
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