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Date   : Mon, 17 Aug 2009 14:58:31 +0100
From   : mfirth@... (Michael Firth)
Subject: Plans for the Econet Island @,Acorn World 09?

Rob wrote:
> On 16/08/2009, Michael Firth <mfirth@...> wrote:
>>>  I did start a MUD, a long time ago, but it was never really
>>> got to a point where it was really worth playing, and while I think I
>>> can locate the discs, I thnk I remember that it needs another
>>> Beeb+6502 2P to act as sever.
>> I'll have one of those there, in the form of my B+ with its ReCo6502. If
>> you've got a copy of the code, we can give it a whirl.
> I'll try and dig it out... I know I found the client ROM code at one
> poiint, just need to try and find a working copy of the server..
>> I guess if your BeebEm code is stable enough, then you could experiment
>> with a BeebEm hosted server too...
> true :-)
>>> We'll need some notices I think ... *I AM 245 CAVE for cave, *I AM 240
>>> HOST for bbs, etc ..
>> That sounds like a good plan, though it depends on whether visitors are
>> expected to work that out for themselves, or whether the exhibitors will
>> be choosing what runs on what machines.
>> A simpler option may be to build a boot menu that lists what's
>> available, and does the necessary *I AM commands.
> Will that need to be on a server on station 254 for the Bs to see it, though?
If none of the better experiences show goers grab address 254 from the 
list, I'm happy to make my A3020 station 254 for simple booting for BBCs.

I can't remember if Bs, B+s and Masters remember the current FS across a 
'shift-break', but I guess if so we'd just have to create BOOT accounts 
on the other FSes that did "*I AM 254 BOOT"

>>> I don't see why not.  We'll have 'net access available, into which
>>> I'll plug my VoIP router to give us phone lines for the BBS.  The
>>> other side of that gives us a nice clean subnet to plug the AUN BBS
>>> machines into, rather than competing for IP addresses with whatever
>>> else the hotel has on their network, so you can link into that with no
>>> problem.
>> Sounds fine, what IP addresses are you using?
> Whatever you like; I've not set it up yet!  It'll grab an address via
> DHCP from the hotel, and NAT the local LAN using that..
>> My network currently has the slightly unusual range of 10.123.45.x, due
>> to various dumb peer-to-peer applications looking like they try to make
>> connections to 192.168.1.x or 10.0.0.x inside your firewall. I guess
>> worst case I can try and throw a small (real IP) router in, but it would
>> be easier not to have to bother.
> Locally, I use various subnets in the 192.168.x.y ranges,  so as long
> as it doesn't clash with one of those, I'm easy.  (x being 0,12,13,14)
>  It may already be set for 15.. Again, I'd need to reserve y=1-10, and
> I'll just set up DHCP to dish out addresses for anything that doesn't
> need a static one.
Sounds fine, if you can confirm what range your router will be using, 
I'll get my stuff running on that range.

For my work network, anything 192.168.x.y, where x > 12 will be fine to 
co-exist, but I may have to get the show stuff running standalone anyway.


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