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Date   : Tue, 18 Aug 2009 01:59:42 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Plans for the Econet Island @,Acorn World 09?

Michael Firth wrote:
> Is it worth getting together a plan of Econet addresses? (assuming
I'm planning on bringing station 23, 70 and 123.
davidglover wrote:
> Did the Acorn L4 fileserver ever escape onto the internet or do I
Not sure I'm allowed to say ;)
> Is "awServer" a workable replacement? Any other suggestions? :)
SoftMDFS which is awServer with MDFS extensions.
> So, er, how do I set the station number on a beeb? And on the
> Archimedes, come to that. I have no idea. :p
On the Beeb there are eight links near the Econet socket that form
the binary station number. On the Master you use the *SET command,
on RISC OS you use the *SetStation command.
See http://mdfs.net/Apps/Networking
***@davidglover.*** wrote:
Could you set a "realworld" name in your from line so I don't have
to keep editing your address to obfuscate it, and fishing your
posts out of my spam-bin.
ie 'David Glover <***@davidglover.***>' or
'***@davidglover.*** <David Glover>' or
'***@davidglover.*** "David Glover"'.
J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Sheffield Brightside
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