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Date   : Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:33:22 +0100
From   : joel@... (Joel Rowbottom)
Subject: Retro Reunited: Econet Cabling, Demos, etc.

On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 13:59:36 +0100, Ian Stocks <bbcmicro@...>

> Whilst we are talking about cabling. Any one know what happens about 
> mains distribution? Here at work, our H&S guy has a fit if you 
> daisy-chain multi-way extensions. I pressume they dont care at the show.

At Wakefield, I ran a long extension cable to the stand which has four
outputs, then chained 6-ways off that. The onsite sparky didn't mind that
and was OK with it.

Dave, is there a dedicated sparky at the venue this time?

> Do we all just bring enough sockets to plug our own stuff in plus a few 
> spares and cobble it together on the day?

That's what I'd expect, and bring a couple of reels too.

Stoke was a nightmare, I'd really not like to do stuff in those conditions
again. Scared the living crap out of me.
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